David M. Poff

Fall ’24 Happenings

This seems like just as good a time as any to discuss what has been going on behind the scenes in recent months. Ever since I set this website up several years ago, I had intended to use it as a general confluence between my writing locations and the places I was doing web design and maintenance around the interwebs. Unsurprisingly, the busier I became with the writing efforts, the less attention I spent on bringing highlights back here to serve as the central location for work associated with my name. What can I say? Time has a way of getting away from you… But I intend to get a little more serious about putting this website to better use going forward.

I have finally received approval from Amazon to publish my fourth book—a nonfiction titled “Human Sense. ” This book is effectively a 2024 version of Thomas Paine’s original work. I’m incredibly proud to have written this pamphlet in his honor and—hopefully—in some future greater service to mankind. I appreciate how this sounds, a bit lofty for sure, but two and a half centuries ago, Paine wrote from the heart about a serious matter he felt quite strongly about, and two and a half centuries later, I returned the favor. If I did it well, I won’t live long enough to see that my efforts had their intended effect.

I have removed much of the content from this website and will use it to centrally locate the highlights of my work, along with the occasional editorial or general rambling that I have become quite well-known for. The featured image of this entry is one I have become quite enamored with; I lost my canine soulmate Daisy in October of ’23 and, after an extended period of mourning, welcomed my new writing partner, Miss Alice, into my life… By my side, Alice will accompany me on the journey that lies ahead.

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